Monday, 29 June 2015

Summer GRWM.


A couple of posts ago, I talked about Confidence, so I thought that I would talk about how I feel most confident in the form of a GRWM.
I am not the most confident about my body, and try not to worry but I can't seem to help it! I also try not to wear make up every day as I feel like I should be comfortable in my own skin. But when I do, mostly on days when I go to a public place, this is what I put on my face. I will also say how I do my hair and what I do in the mornings. 

So I start with a shower, washing my hair and stuff.

I then put in my Contact Lenses and moisturised my face and body.
So these are the 'tools' I use on my face. I pluck my eyebrows daily. It is a weird habit but I seem to get compliments on them! The tiny foam applicators that you get in pallets always seem to be useless, but a little hack is to use them to light up your tear duckt with a light eyeshadow with it! Also, if you want to line your waterline with an eyeshadow, you can use the tip in the eyeshadow. Useless yet useful

I use two concealers as the Mybelline Instant Anti-Age 'The Eraser Eye' in Light, under my eyes in a V and down the bridge of my nose. Then the Natural Collection concealer in Fair on any spots. I blend it all in with my fingertips, before I powder all over my face. I use the RealTechniques Brush to power underneath my eyes and blend in any last bits of concealer. The large fluffy brush all over my face.

The powder I love is the Collection Pressed Powder in '01 Candlelight'.

This is the MUA pallet in Undressed. I took the colour Tawny all over my lid. I took the colour Fawn lightly through my crease to blend out edges. Finally, I took Puff in my tearduckt. This is all with a Primark Conclealer and Eyeshadow Brush. I finish my eyes with the Collection Extreme Mascara in Black.

To finish, most days I will use the Nivea Lip Butter in Vanilla and Macadamia or a plain Lip Balm. But when I am feeling more daring I use my TopShop Matte Lipstick in Whimsical.

ChangingTimes x

Sunday, 28 June 2015

A Weekend Away.


So a couple of weeks ago, I spent the weekend Up North for a wedding and to spend time with my family. It was one of the best weekends in a long time and it was great to relax with some of the people I love the most. So here are some pictures I wanted to share!

The weekend started off with rain! We drove three hours with the music blaring and singing along!
Saturday we explored the local town and shops!

The wedding was amazing and I am so happy for the couple! Weddings always make me happy even if it rained! It was beautiful.

ChangingTimes x

Saturday, 27 June 2015


People feel so many different types of confidence.
Image confidence. Body confidence. Personality confidence.

Weather it is with the make-up that you wear.

The hobbies you have.

What you do to relax.

A confident person is the best type of person. They don't care what others think about them, and it doesn't bother them. They wear their confidence with pride.
I am an Athlete and confidence is key. If you let people suss you out and you look weak, people will think they are better than you. Even if YOU know you are better than them!
  Just be yourself and rock the world with your awesome personality. If they don't like it then they don't deserve your time.

 Umbrella can't stop the rain but can make us stand in the rain,
Confidence may not bring success but gives us power to face any challenges
-Emma Watson

ChangingTimes x