Sunday, 4 October 2015

Autumn/Winter Read List.


So today I have my base Autumn read list. This is kind of the minimum I want to read the Autumn and Winter months, with the addition of the books I get for Christmas. So, here we go. My read list.

Life of Pi.
I have started reading this one already and I can't really get into it. I have included this on my list because I will probably end up putting this down to read at a later date. I have heard many great things about both the book and movie so it is defiantly a thing I will crack down on when I'm trapped on a rainy day. (Update; I put it down. Lets hope I can get through it!)

The amazing mind of Alice Makin.
I read this a few years ago and I want to read it again. I loved it then but I don't remember it too much! I want to re-read it before I recommend it to my cousin. She is really interested in reading so I hope to recommend this to her.

Watership Down.
This was a classic mistake of not finishing a holiday read. I don't really remember what it is about but I will try to write a review on it!

The Harry Potter series.
I am a serious Potterhead and am not afraid to admit it. Personally, I am a Ravenclaw and proud. I have already read the series about three times but I want to do it again! I own the full set of both DVDs and Books and I am hoping that I can read and watch all if them through the colder months. I've got through about a third of Philosophers Stone and I have a feeling I will finish all seven quickly!

This is the list of books that I own that I plan to read, and a Books Wanted post will be going up ASAP! Thank you,
ChangingTimes x

P.S. Not my finest photo's, Autumn lighting is messing with me!

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